About the Youtube Channel...

Most of you probably arrived here via my youtube channel, I want to give you the basic story on how I ended up starting a youtube channel. The year was 2020, I had back to back hernia surgeries followed by a back surgery. Keep in mind this was all during the rona. I spent alot of time on the couch, researching dana 60 stuff. I came across a link to a video about dana 60's. I clicked on it. That video was by none other than Nate from Dirt Lifestyle. I fell in love with his videos. I had NO IDEA that there were even youtube channels about offroad stuff as I had never been a big fan of the platform. I fell down that rabbit hole and decided, you know what? I have some free time, and a camera, I can film whatever dumb redneck stuff I do in the garage too. And thus the channel was born. Although the first name of the channel was Cheap Jeep Adventures or something like that but I didnt like it. Im terrible at naming things and I wanted sort of a salty name to go with my personality so I chose flawed offroad. All humans are flawed in some way and even though the name is a bit odd, I found that it fit my style. Because maybe the way I do things isnt perfect but it gets the job done.

On that note, if given the chance to meet or collaborate with any channel out there it would have to be Dirt Lifestyle since he is the reason I'm even doing this. It is not an easy thing to do but its a fun hobby. Thanks for attending my Dan talk. Now go watch some more videos!

Go watch some videos here!

Thank you so much for your support!

If you would like to help the channel produce more/better content, Consider making a donation to the cause, and send me a message! Ask me anything and I will get back to you.